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Lux Lips is a revolutionary cosmetic gel uniquely designed to refresh and moisturize skin. Its patented combination of menthol and L-arginine is based on the 1998 Nobel Prize winning discovery of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule. This paraben-free formulation gives your skin an exhilarating ¡°cool tingling¡± sensation where it is applied and is sold exclusively by NHT Global.

Key Ingredients

L-arginine USP, Menthol USP

Free of parabens.

Key Benefits

  • Instantly refreshes and moisturizes skin
  • Benefits multiple areas of the body depending on where it¡¯s applied
  • Sold exclusively by NHT Global

Patents, Awards and Certifications

  • Patented for the topical application of menthol and L-arginine (US Patent No. US6322493 and US6702733 and all foreign counterparts thereof, International Patent Application No. PCT/US00/33987, European Patent No. EP1242009, Hong Kong Patent No.HK1051480, Chinese Patent No. CN1326503, and Brazil Patent No. BRPI0016619)
  • Halal Certified

Directions for Use

Apply gel to fingertip and massage thoroughly into the desired area.


  • Products are intended for external use only.
  • If irritation or rash occurs, discontinue use immediately.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.

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