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As we age, our levels of the essential enzyme Calcium ATPase declines in our body. You may not have ever heard of it, but it is used in all of our bodily functions. Reduced levels of Calcium ATPase can contribute to trouble sleeping, increased muscle fatigue, overactive bladder, and joint discomfort. Flomine24 is the first nutritional supplement specifically formulated to target Calcium ATPase. Using dietary supplement grade ingredients, Flomine24 is a proprietary blend that supports your body¡¯s natural responses to daily stress and activity.* By enhancing the body¡¯s essential biologic functions, Flomine24 works to achieve extraordinary health, helping your body return to its natural state of balance. So, you can go back to what you do best: being you.

Key Ingredients

Jasmine Extract, L-Arginine, Taurine

Key Benefits

  • Improves occasional sleeplessness and promotes deeper, more restful sleep*
  • Supports bladder function*
  • Improves muscle endurance, strength, and recovery*
  • Promotes comfort and mobility in the joints and muscles*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Patents, Awards and Certifications

  • Patented for the use of jasmones and jasmonates to improve bladder function (US Patent Nos. US9492403 & US8865660 and Chinese Patent Nos. CN103140223A & CN103429234A)
  • Halal Certified

Directions for Use

Adults take 1ml to 2ml daily, mixed in 4-6 oz of water or other liquid. Shake well before use.


  • If you are pregnant or lactating, or currently under medical supervision, consult a healthcare professional before using.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

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